
Anti-Immersive Gallery is an artist-run installation space aimed at providing opportunities for emerging artists to display their work. It is also a platform of experimentation, seeking to exploit the fantastical and seemingly endless potential of the virtual.

The gallery and the formatting of the artworks curated are all made in the open-source programs Blender and Unity 5 in collaboration with the artist, heeding their express interests and desires.

This space aims to create an environment that is considered as valid a means of art display to that of a physical art gallery. It also attempts to challenge the pressures of presenting artwork on the Internet via an 'artist website' as the standard convention of art display and promotion in the 21st century.

The goal of this space is not to attempt at recreating what these artworks would look like in an actual room, but is rather an opportunity to explore the vast potential of any artwork free from its corporeality. In this regard, notions such as scale in Anti-Immersive Gallery should not be viewed in direct proportion to the artwork's literal scale.